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evil tongues

  • 1 evil tongues

    Общая лексика: злые языки

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > evil tongues

  • 2 evil

    1. adjective
    (very bad; wicked; sinful: evil intentions; an evil man; He looks evil; evil deeds; an evil tongue.) malo, malvado

    2. noun
    1) (wrong-doing, harm or wickedness: He tries to ignore all the evil in the world; Do not speak evil of anyone.) mal, maldad
    2) (anything evil, eg crime, misfortune etc: London in the eighteenth century was a place of crime, filth, poverty and other evils.) desgracia, plaga
    - evilly
    - evilness
    - evil-doer

    evil adj malo / malvado
    in the end, the evil witch dies al final, muere la bruja mala
    1 (wicked) malo,-a, malvado,-a
    2 (harmful) malo,-a, pernicioso,-a, nocivo,-a
    3 (foul - smell) horrible, fétido,-a, repugnante; (- temper) geniudo,-a, terrible, de perros; (- weather) malo,-a, de perros
    4 (unlucky) aciago,-a, de mal agüero
    to give somebody the evil eye echar mal de ojo a alguien
    to have an evil tongue tener una lengua viperina
    to speak evil of somebody hablar mal de alguien
    evil ['i:vəl, -vɪl] adj, eviler or eviller ; evilest or evillest
    1) wicked: malvado, malo, maligno
    2) harmful: nocivo, dañino, pernicioso
    3) unpleasant: desagradable
    an evil odor: un olor horrible
    evil n
    1) wickedness: mal m, maldad f
    2) misfortune: desgracia f, mal m
    dañino, -a adj.
    dañoso, -a adj.
    fatal adj.
    malicioso, -a adj.
    malo, -a adj.
    malvado, -a adj.
    maléfico, -a adj.
    pernicioso, -a adj.
    mal s.m.
    maldad s.f.
    malicia s.f.

    I 'iːvəl
    a) ( wicked) <demon/wizard> malvado, maligno; <deeds/thoughts/character> de gran maldad; < influence> maléfico, funesto; <plan/suggestion> diabólico, maléfico
    b) ( unpleasant) < smell> asqueroso

    to put off the evil day/hour — retrasar or posponer* el día/momento fatídico or funesto

    mass & count noun (sin, wrong-doing) mal m
    1. ADJ
    1) (=wicked) [person, deed, thought] malvado; [reputation] de malvado; [spirit] maligno, maléfico; [influence] maléfico, funesto; [place, plan] diabólico; [hour, times] funesto; [effect] nocivo

    to put the evil eye on sb, give sb the evil eyeechar el mal de ojo a algn

    an evil spellun maleficio

    evil tongues may say that... — las malas lenguas dirán que...

    he had his evil way with her — se aprovechó de ella, se la llevó al huerto hum

    the evil weed(=tobacco) el vicio hum

    2) (=nasty) [smell, taste] horrible

    to put off the evil dayposponer el día funesto

    to have an evil tempertener un genio endiablado

    2. N
    1) (=wickedness) mal m

    the forces of evil — las fuerzas del mal

    to speak evil of sb — hablar mal de algn

    2) (=harmful thing) mal m

    the lesser of two evils — el menor de dos males

    a necessary evil — un mal necesario

    social evils — males mpl sociales


    evil spirit Nespíritu m maligno

    * * *

    I ['iːvəl]
    a) ( wicked) <demon/wizard> malvado, maligno; <deeds/thoughts/character> de gran maldad; < influence> maléfico, funesto; <plan/suggestion> diabólico, maléfico
    b) ( unpleasant) < smell> asqueroso

    to put off the evil day/hour — retrasar or posponer* el día/momento fatídico or funesto

    mass & count noun (sin, wrong-doing) mal m

    English-spanish dictionary > evil

  • 3 evil

    I. 1. лош, зъл
    the Е. оnе нечестивият, caтаната
    the EVIL eye лошо око, способност за урочасване
    2. вреден, пагубен, лош
    to get into EVIL ways тръгвам no лош път
    to fall on EVIL days изпадам в нещастие/беда
    II. n зло, злина
    social EVIL обществено зло
    to speak EVIL of злословя по адрес на
    the lesser of two EVILs по-малката от две злини
    * * *
    {'i:vl} а 1. лош, зъл; the Е. оnе нечестивият, caтаната; the evil e(2) {'i:vl} n зло, злина; social evil обществено зло; to speak evil of
    * * *
    скверен; пагубен; бедствие; вреден; злина; зло; зъл; лош; нещастие;
    * * *
    1. i. лош, зъл 2. ii. n зло, злина 3. social evil обществено зло 4. the evil eye лошо око, способност за урочасване 5. the lesser of two evils по-малката от две злини 6. the Е. оnе нечестивият, caтаната 7. to fall on evil days изпадам в нещастие/беда 8. to get into evil ways тръгвам no лош път 9. to speak evil of злословя по адрес на 10. вреден, пагубен, лош
    * * *
    evil [i:vl] I. adj 1. лош, зъл; \evil tidings лоши новини; the E. One нечестивият, сатаната, дяволът; smoking is an \evil habit пушенето е лош (вреден) навик; to silence \evil tongues запушвам устата на клюкарите; \evil genius зъл гений; he has an \evil eye разг. ако те погледне, ще те урочаса; 2. вреден, пагубен; to get into \evil ways тръгвам по лоши пътища; to put off the \evil day ( hour) отлагам нещо неприятно, но неизбежно; to fall on \evil days изпадам в беда; \evil-starred роден без късмет; 3. неприятен, лош, отблъскващ, отвратителен; противен; an \evil stench отвратителна воня; an \evil noise неприятен шум; II. n 1. зло; злина; to speak \evil of злословя по адрес на; a social \evil социално зло; the social \evil проституцията; to wish s.o. \evil желая (мисля) някому злото; 2. бедствие, нещастие; ост. болест.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > evil

  • 4 fall on evil days

    впасть в нищету, бедствовать; влачить жалкое существование; ≈ чёрные дни наступили [выражение создано Дж. Мильтоном: More safe, I sing with mortal voice, unchang'd To hoarse or mute, though fall'n on evil days, On evil days though fall'n and evil tongues. (‘Paradise Lost’, book VII)]

    I felt that I had fallen on evil days and that my life had sunk to a dull and profitless routine. (A. J. Cronin, ‘A Song of Sixpence’, ch. XXIII) — Я понимал, что влачу жалкое существование и что жизнь моя стала скучной и бесполезной.

    It was an old four-story house... that had obviously fallen on evil days. (Th. Wolfe, ‘The Web and the Rock’, ch., XXIV) — Это был старый четырехэтажный дом, который явно знавал лучшие дни.

    She got a letter from an old school friend who had fallen on evil days and hurried to the rescue. (A. Christie, ‘A Murder Is Announced’, ch. 23) — Мисс Блеклок получила письмо от старой школьной подруги, впавшей в нищету, и поспешила помочь ей.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > fall on evil days

  • 5 злые языки

    evil tongues, malicious gossips

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > злые языки

  • 6 злые языки

    evil tongues, malicious gossips

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > злые языки

  • 7 Я-55

    ЗЛЫЕ ЯЗЫКИ NP usu. subj ( pl only) sing can be used as appos fixed WO
    people who engage in base gossip, slanderers
    evil (malicious, venomous) tongues
    malicious gossips (gossipers, gossipmongers) people (men, women) with evil (malicious, venomous) tongues.
    Ходил слушок, что Жан-Батист, отец, помимо торговли креслами и обоями, занимался и отдачею денег взаймы за приличные проценты. Не вижу в этом ничего предосудительного для коммерческого человека. Но злые языки утверждали, что Поклен-отец несколько пересаливал в смысле процентов и что будто бы драматург Мольер, когда описывал противного скрягу Гарпагона, вывел з нём своего родного отца (Булгаков 5). It was rumored on the quiet that Jean-Baptiste the father, in addition to selling armchairs and wallpaper, engaged in lending money at handsome interest. I see nothing prejudicial in that for a merchant. But evil tongues asserted that Poquelin the elder somewhat overdid it in regard to interest extracted, and that the playwright Moliere depicted his own father in the image of the revolting miser Harpagon (5a).
    Злые языки утверждают, что Коля Зархиди вознаградил дядю Сандро через Дашу... (Искандер 3). Malicious tongues assert that Kolya Zarhidis rewarded Uncle Sandro by way of Dasha... (3a).
    Это был старый холостяк Шиншин, двоюродный брат графини, злой язык, как про него говорили в московских гостиных (Толстой 4). This was Shinshin, an old bachelor and cousin of the Countess, a man with a venomous tongue, according to the talk in the drawing rooms of Moscow (4a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Я-55

  • 8 злые языки

    [NP; usu. subj (pi only); sing can be used as appos; fixed WO]
    people who engage in base gossip, slanderers:
    - evil <malicious, venomous> tongues;
    - malicious gossips <gossipers, gossipmongers>;
    - people (men, women) with evil (malicious, venomous) tongues.
         ♦ Ходил слушок, что Жан-Батист, отец, помимо торговли креслами и обоями, занимался и отдачею денег взаймы за приличные проценты. Не вижу в этом ничего предосудительного для коммерческого человека. Но злые языки утверждали, что Поклей-отец несколько пересаливал в смысле процентов и что будто бы драматург Мольер, когда описывал противного скрягу Гарпагона, вывел з нём своего родного отца (Булгаков 5). It was rumored on the quiet that Jean-Baptiste the father, in addition to selling armchairs and wallpaper, engaged in lending money at handsome interest. I see nothing prejudicial in that for a merchant. But evil tongues asserted that Poquelin the elder somewhat overdid it in regard to interest extracted, and that the playwright Moliere depicted his own father in the image of the revolting miser Harpagon (5a).
         ♦ Злые языки утверждают, что Коля Зархиди вознаградил дядю Сандро через Дашу... (Искандер 3). Malicious tongues assert that Kolya Zarhidis rewarded Uncle Sandro by way of Dasha... (3a).
         ♦ Это был старый холостяк Шиншин, двоюродный брат графини, злой язык, как про него говорили в московских гостиных (Толстой 4). This was Shinshin, an old bachelor and cousin of the Countess, a man with a venomous tongue, according to the talk in the drawing rooms of Moscow (4a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > злые языки

  • 9 TUNGA

    * * *
    (gen. pl. tungna), f.
    1) tongue; skœðar tungur, evil tongues; hafa tungu fyrir e-m, to have a tongue for a person, be the spokesman; gæti hann, að honum vefist eigi tungan um höfuð, let him take heed that his tongue do not twist a noose for his own neck;
    2) tongue, language (þá skiptust tungur í Englandi, er Vilhjálmr bastarðr vann England); dönsk t., the Danish (Norse) tongue;
    3) tongue of land (Ö. nam tungu alla milli Hvítar ok Reykjadalsár).
    * * *
    u, f., gen. pl. tungna; [Goth. tuggo; common to all Teut. languages; cp. Lat. lingua]:—a tongue, Sól. 44, Grág. ii 11, passim: metaph. usages, hraðmælt tunga, Hm. 28; skæðar tungur, evil tongues, Nj. 264; hafa tungu fyrir e-m, to have tongue for a person, be the spokesman, Fms. vi. 223; harðr í tungu, Hallfred; skáldskapr var honum svá tiltækr, at hann kvað af tungu fram sem annað mál, Ó. H. 171; hann sá eld mikinn í tungna líkjum, Hom. 91; lof-tunga, ‘praise-tongue,’ flatterer, a nickname.
    2. sayings; tunga er höfuðs-bani, ‘tongue is head’s bane,’ is the ruin of a man, Hm. 72; e-t leikr á tveim tungum, N. G. L. i. 211 (see leika II. 4); tungan leikr við tanna sar, the tongue touches sores of the teeth, Mkv.; hann hefir tönn og tungu á öllu, of a ready tongue; gæti hann, at honum vefisk eigi tungan um hófuð, let him beware lest his tongue winds round his head, i. e. let him beware of loose talk, (a long tongue being = inconsiderate tongue that works evil), Nj. 160, Þorst. Síðu H. 178; also, e-m vefsk tunga um tönn, to be disconcerted: a person endowed with poetical gifts is believed to have a tongue longer than other men (the tongue-tip reaching to the nostrils), Ísl. Þjóðs. ii. 557; to this refers the legend of Hallbjörn hali, síðan togar hann á honum tunguna, ok kvað vísu þessa, then be stretched his tongue and said, Fb. i. 215; on the other hand, of words spoken in an evil hour, it is said that fiends have stretched (pulled) a man’s tongue, troll toga tungu ór höfði e-m (see troll): in nursery talk, swearing is said to leave a black spot on the tongue, blótaðu ekki, það kemr svartr blettr á tunguna á þér!
    II. a tongue, language; Dönsk tunga, the Danish (Norse) tongue, see Danskr; tungan er vér köllum Norrænu, Fms. xi. 412; vitr maðr ok kunni margar tungur, 298; þar eru tungur sjau ok tuttugu, 414; hverega tungu er maðr skal ríta annarrar tungu stöfum, þá verðr sumra stafa vant, af því at eigi finnsk þat hljóð í tungunni sem stafirnir hafa þeir er af ganga, … nú eptir þeirra dæmum, alls vér erum einnar tungu, … or vóru teknir þeir (stafir) er eigi gegna atkvæðum várrar tungu, Thorodd; ein var þá tunga á Englandi, sem í Noregi ok í Danmörku, en þá skiptusk tungur í Englandi er Vilhjálmr bastarðr vann England, Ísl. ii. 221; Danskir, Sœnskir eða Norrænir ór þeirra konunga veldi þriggja er vár tunga er … af öllum tungum öðrum enn af Danskri tungu, Grág. ii. 72; tungna-grein, tungna-skipti, division of tongues, Stj.
    III. metaph. of tongue-formed things, a tongue of land at the meeting of two rivers (= Gr. μεσοποταμία); í tungu einni milli gilja tveggja, Valla L. 223, Sd. 141; Önundr nam tungu alla milli Hvítár ok Reykjadalsár, Landn. 60; frá Flókadalsár-ósi til Reykja-dalsár-óss, ok tungu þá alla er þar var á milli, Eg. 186; very freq. in Icel, local names, Tunga, Tungur, Tungna-jökull, Tungna-fell, Tungu-á, Tungu-heiðr, Hróars-tunga, Biskups-tungur, Stafholts-tungur, Skaptár-tunga, Landn., map of Icel.: Tungu-goði, a, m. a nickname: Tungu-menn, m. pl. men from T., Landn., Sturl.
    2. the tongue of a balance, in tungu-pundari; in the poets, a sword is slíðr-tunga, hjalta-tunga, slither-tongue, hilt-tongue, and the like, Lex. Poët.
    B. COMPDS: tungubragð, tungufimi, tunguhapt, tunguhvass, tungulauss, tungumjúkr, tunguníð, tungupundari, tungurætr, tungnaskipti, tunguskorinn, tunguskæði, tunguskæðr, tungusnjallr, tungusótt, tungusætr, tunguvarp.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > TUNGA

  • 10 запушвам

    2. (запалвам цигара, лула) light a cigarette/o.'s pipe
    3. (изпълвам с пушек) fill with smoke, make smoky
    4. запуша stop (up), plug (up); (c mana) cork
    (задръствам) obstruct, block (up), choke (up)
    запушвам бутилка cork (up) a bottle
    запушвам дупка/отвор stop/plug up an opening/a gap
    запушвам дуло spike a gun
    запушвам ушите си close o.'s ears. stop (up) o.'s ears
    запушвам ушите си с памук wad o.'s ears
    запушвам си носа hold o.'s nose
    носът ми е запушен my nose is stuffed up
    запушвам устата на gag, прен. muzzle, gag, floor, silence, stop s.o.'s mouth, jump down s.o.'s throat
    запушвам устата. на клюкарките silence evil tongues
    запушвам се get clogged/choked up, get plugged up
    * * *
    1. ( започвам да пуша) begin to smoke;
    2. ( запалвам цигара, лула) light a cigarette/o.’s pipe;
    3. ( изпълвам с пушек) fill with smoke, make smoky.
    гл. stop (up), plug (up); (с тапа) cork; ( задръствам) obstruct, block (up), choke (up), bung up (и за нос); \запушвам бутилка cork (up) a bottle; \запушвам дуло spike a gun; \запушвам дупка/отвор stop/plug up an opening/a gap; \запушвам носа си hold o.’s nose; \запушвам устата на gag, прен. muzzle, gag, floor, silence, stop s.o.’s mouth, jump down s.o.’s throat; \запушвам устата на клюкарките silence evil tongues; \запушвам ушите си close o.’s ears, stop (up) o.’s ears; \запушвам ушите си с памук wad o.’s ears; носът ми е запушен my nose is stuffed up;
    \запушвам се get clogged/choked up, get plugged up.
    * * *
    bung; caulk; choke; close; muffle: запушвамup an opening - запушвам отвор; stop; stopper; wad
    * * *
    1. (задръствам) obstruct, block (up), choke (up) 2. (запалвам цигара, лула) light a cigarette/o.'s pipe 3. (изпълвам с пушек) fill with smoke, make smoky 4. 1, (започвам да пуша) begin to smoke 5. 4, запуша stop (up), plug (up);(c mana) cork 6. ЗАПУШВАМ ce get clogged/choked up, get plugged up 7. ЗАПУШВАМ бутилка cork (up) a bottle 8. ЗАПУШВАМ дуло spike a gun 9. ЗАПУШВАМ дупка/отвор stop/plug up an opening/a gap 10. ЗАПУШВАМ си носа hold o.'s nose 11. ЗАПУШВАМ устата на gag, прен. muzzle, gag, floor, silence, stop s. o.'s mouth, jump down s.o.'s throat 12. ЗАПУШВАМ устата. на клюкарките silence evil tongues 13. ЗАПУШВАМ ушите си close o.'s ears. stop (up) o.'s ears 14. ЗАПУШВАМ ушите си с памук wad o.'s ears 15. носът ми е запушен my nose is stuffed up

    Български-английски речник > запушвам

  • 11 език

    1. анат. tongue
    обложен език a coated/furred tongue
    възпаление на езика мед. glossitis изплезихме езици, докато се качим до върха we were done up/all in/dog tired/dead beat by the time we reached the top
    не мога да си преобърна езика да го произнеса/изрека I can't get my tongue round it
    на езика ми е have s.th. on the tip of o.'s tongue
    каквото му е на ума, това му е на езика he wears his heart on his sleeve
    изплъзна ми се от езика it slipped out, I never meant to say it
    идваше ми да си отхапя езика I could have bitten my tongue off
    глътвам си езика be struck dumb, be scared to death, be dumbfounded; lose o.'s tongue
    вързан в езика tongue-tied
    развързвам си език a loosen o.'s tongue
    преплита ми се езика stammer, falter, become tongue-tied
    сърби ме езика be itching to speak
    чеша си езика wag o.'s tongue
    държа си езика hold o.'s tongue, keep a still tongue in o.'s head, bridle/curb o.'s tongue, put a bridle/curb on o.'s tongue
    дръж си езика hold your tongue! hold/stop your jaw! ( бъди по-учтив) keep a civil tongue! остър език a sharp/biting tongue
    злите езици evil tongues, slanderers
    злите езици разправят, че gossip has it that
    езикът няма кости, а кости троши the tongue is sharper than any sword
    2. тех. tongue; pawl; catch
    (на камбана) clapper, tongue (of a bell), jinglet
    огнени езици tongues of flame
    3. (реч) speech
    пренебр. lingo
    матерен език a mother tongue
    роден език o.'s own/native language, vernacular
    на народен език in the vernacular
    писмен език a written language
    говорим език a spoken language
    разговорен език everyday/conversational/colloquial speech
    литературен/книжовен език a literary language
    на прост/ясен език in simple phrase, (put) in simple language, in plain English
    имам груб език be rough-spoken
    мръсен език bad/foul language
    приличен език a clean tongue
    държа лош/грозен език be rude/impudent, speak roughly
    що за език! that's no way to talk! език на глухонемите finger/sign language
    чужд език a foreign language
    модерни/древни езици modern/ancient languages
    живи/мъртви езици living/dead languages
    славянски/германски/романски езици Slavonic, Slavic/Germanic/Romance languages
    той говори добре чужди езици he is a good linguist, he is good at languages
    (стил) style
    (идиом) idiom, parlance
    (жаргон) jargon, cant, lingo
    езикът на Ботев the language of Botev, Botev's style
    изящен език elegant style; a felicity of phrase
    точен език precise language, verbal accuracy
    вестникарски език journalese, newspaperese
    канцеларски език official language
    канцеларски български/английски и т. н. език Committee English/Bulgarian etc.
    езикът на сцената the language of the stage
    в правния/моряшкия/военния и т.н. език in legal/nautical/military etc. parlance
    научен език learned/scholarly language
    на езика на математиката/науката in terms of mathematics/science
    общ език прен. common ground, a common language
    * * *
    м., -ци, (два) езѝка 1. tongue; анат. glossa; възпаление на \езикка мед. glossitis; обложен \езикк coated/furred tongue;
    2. техн. tongue; pawl; catch; застопоряващ \езикк ( палец) dog catch; (на обувка) tongue; (на камбана) clapper, tongue (of a bell), jinglet;
    3. ( реч) speech; (на даден народ) language, tongue; пренебр. lingo; \езикк на глухонемите finger/sign language; изучаван \езикк target language; малцинствен \езикк minority language; ма̀терен \езикк mother tongue; на прост/ясен \езикк (put) in simple language, in plain English;
    4. инф.: \езикк за управление на задания job control language; \езикк на командите command language; компилиращ \езикк assembly language;
    5. ( изразни средства) language; ( стил) style; ( идиом) idiom, parlance; (на документ) wording; ( жаргон) jargon, cant, lingo; вестникарски \езикк journalese, newspaperese; в правния/моряшкия/военния и т. н. \езикк in legal/nautical/military etc. parlance; изящен \езикк elegant style; на \езикка на математиката/науката in terms of mathematics/science; научен \езикк learned/scholarly language; точен \езикк verbal accuracy; филмов \езикк film idiom; • глътвам си \езикка be struck dumb, be scared to death, be dumbfounded; дръж си \езикка ( бъди по-учтив) keep a civil tongue! държа остър \езикк speak sharply; държа си \езикка bridle/curb o.’s tongue, put a bridle/curb on o.’s tongue; \езиккът няма кости, а кости троши the tongue is sharper than any sword; злите \езикци разправят, че gossip has it that; идваше ми да си отхапя \езикка I could have bitten my tongue off; изплезихме \езикци, докато се качим до върха we were done up/dog tired/dead beat by the time we reached the top; изплъзна ми се от \езикка it slipped out; имам груб \езикк be rough-spoken; каквото му е на ума, това му е на \езикка he wears his heart on his sleeve; на \езикка ми е have s.th. on the tip of o.’s tongue; не мога да си преобърна \езикка да го произнеса/изрека I can’t get my tongue round it; не можахме да намерим общ \езикк we talked at cross purposes; общ \езикк прен. common ground/language; преплита ми се \езиккът stammer, falter; развързвам си \езикка loosen o.’s. tongue; сърби ме \езиккът be itching to speak; чеша си \езикка wag o.’s tongue, chew the fat, chinwag, shoot the breeze; що за \езикк! that’s no way to talk!
    * * *
    machine code/ language: Do you speak foreign езикs? - Говориш ли чужди езици?; lingo (чужд); parlance ; tongue {`tXN} (анат.): a thick език - надебелен език
    * * *
    1. (жаргон) jargon, cant, lingo 2. (идиом) idiom, parlance 3. (изразни средства) language 4. (на даден народ) language, tongue 5. (на документ) wording 6. (на камбана) clapper, tongue (of a bell), jinglet 7. (на обувка) tongue 8. (реч) speech 9. (стил) style 10. mex. tongue;pawl;catch 11. ЕЗИКът на Ботев the language of Botev, Botev's style 12. ЕЗИКът на сцената the language of the stage 13. ЕЗИКът няма кости, а кости троши the tongue is sharper than any sword 14. анат. tongue 15. в правния/моряшкия/военния и т.н. ЕЗИК in legal/nautical/ military etc. parlance 16. вестникарски ЕЗИК journalese, newspaperese 17. във формата на ЕЗИК tongue-shaped 18. възпаление на ЕЗИКа мед. glossitis изплезихме езици, докато се качим до върха we were done up/all in/dog tired/dead beat by the time we reached the top 19. вързан в ЕЗИКа tongue-tied 20. глътвам си ЕЗИКa be struck dumb, be scared to death, be dumbfounded;lose o.'s tongue 21. говорим ЕЗИК a spoken language 22. дръж си ЕЗИКа hold your tongue! hold/stop your jaw! (бъди no-учтив) keep a civil tongue! остър ЕЗИК a sharp/biting tongue 23. държа лош/ грозен ЕЗИК be rude/impudent, speak roughly 24. държа остър ЕЗИК speak sharply 25. държа си ЕЗИКа hold o.'s tongue, keep a still tongue in o.'s head, bridle/curb o.'s tongue, put a bridle/ curb on o.'s tongue 26. живи/мъртви езици living/dead languages 27. злите езици evil tongues, slanderers 28. злите езици разправят, че gossip has it that 29. идваше ми да си отхапя ЕЗИКа I could have bitten my tongue off 30. изплъзна ми се от ЕЗИКа it slipped out, I never meant to say it 31. изящен ЕЗИК elegant style;a felicity of phrase 32. имам груб ЕЗИК be rough-spoken 33. каквото му е на ума, това му е на ЕЗИКа he wears his heart on his sleeve 34. канцеларски ЕЗИК official language 35. канцеларски български/английски и т. н. ЕЗИК Committee English/Bulgarian etc. 36. литературен/книжовен ЕЗИК а literary language 37. матерен ЕЗИК a mother tongue 38. модерни/древни езици modern/ancient languages 39. мръсен ЕЗИК bad/foul language 40. на ЕЗИКа ми е have s.th. on the tip of o.'s tongue 41. на ЕЗИКа на математиката/науката in terms of mathematics/science 42. на народен ЕЗИК in the vernacular 43. на прост/ясен ЕЗИК in simple phrase, (put) in simple language, in plain English 44. надебелен ЕЗИК a thick tongue 45. народен ЕЗИК vernacular 46. научен ЕЗИК learned/scholarly language 47. не мога да си преобърна ЕЗИКа да го произнеса/изрека I can't get my tongue round it 48. не можахме да намерим общ ЕЗИК we talked at cross purposes 49. неофициален ЕЗИК slang 50. обложен ЕЗИК а coated/furred tongue 51. общ ЕЗИК прен. common ground, a common language 52. огнени езици tongues of flame 53. писмен ЕЗИК a written language 54. пренебр. lingo 55. преплита ми се ЕЗИКa stammer, falter, become tongue-tied 56. приличен ЕЗИК а clean tongue 57. развързвам си ЕЗИК а loosen o.'s tongue 58. разговорен ЕЗИК everyday/conversational/colloquial speech 59. роден ЕЗИК o.'s own/native language, vernacular 60. славянски/германски/романски езици Slavonic, Slavic/Germanic/Romance languages 61. сърби ме ЕЗИКа be itching to speak 62. той говори добре чужди езици he is a good linguist, he is good at languages 63. той лошо говори чужди езици he is a bad/poor linguist 64. точен ЕЗИК precise language, verbal accuracy 65. филмов ЕЗИК film idiom 66. чеша си ЕЗИКa wag o.'s tongue 67. чужд ЕЗИК a foreign language 68. що за ЕЗИК! that's no way to talk! ЕЗИК на глухонемите finger/sign language

    Български-английски речник > език

  • 12 γλῶσσα

    γλῶσσα, ης, ἡ (Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX, En; TestJob 43:12; Test12Patr; JosAs 13:8; GrBar 3:6; ApcSed; AscIs 3:18; Philo, Joseph., Just., Tat.)
    organ of speech, tongue
    lit. (Did., Gen. 88, 26) Lk 16:24; as an organ of speech (Iambl., Vi. Pyth. 31, 195 χαλεπώτατόν ἐστιν τὸ γλώττης κρατεῖν; Did., Gen. 46, 26 ὄργανον λόγου ἐστὶν ἡ γ.) Mk 7:33, 35; (Vi. Aesopi I G 7 P.: Isis heals the mute Aesop τὸ τραχὺ τῆς γλώττης ἀποτεμοῦσα, τὸ κωλῦον αὐτὸν λαλεῖν ‘cutting off the rough part of his tongue that prevented him from speaking’) Lk 1:64; Ro 3:13 (Ps 5:10; 13:3; cp. Hes., Op. 322–26); 14:11 (Is 45:23); Js 1:26; 3:5f, 8 (Apion in the schol. on Od. 3, 341 κράτιστον τῶν μελῶν ἡ γλῶσσα.—JGeffcken, Kynika usw. 1909, 45–53; GAvdBergh vEysinga, NThT 20, ’31, 303–20). 1J 3:18; διὰ τῆς γ. w. the tongue, i.e., in speaking 1 Cor 14:9 (Just., A I, 16, 8 διὰ γλώττης). παύειν τὴν γ. ἀπὸ κακοῦ keep the tongue from (saying) evil things 1 Pt 3:10; 1 Cl 22:3 (both Ps 33:14). Synon. στόμα 35:8 (Ps 49:19); Rv 16:10; 1 Cl 15:4f (Ps 77:36; 11:4f). τὸ ἐπιεικὲς τῆς γ. moderation of the tongue 21:7. μάστιξ γλώσσης words of reproof 56:10 (Job 5:21). Conceited speech 57:2 (cp. 3 Macc 2:17). Of evil tongues Hv 2, 2, 3. ἠγαλλιάσατο ἡ γλῶσσά μου my tongue exulted (the organ for the pers., cp. πούς 1b) Ac 2:26; 1 Cl 18:15 (both Ps 15:9). τὴν γ. προβάλλειν put out the tongue, hiss of a dragon Hv 4, 1, 9.
    fig., of forked flames Ac 2:3 (=לְשׁוֹן אֵשׁ Is 5:24; cp. En 14:9f).
    a body of words and systems that makes up a distinctive language, language, tongue
    of the language itself (Hom. et al.; PGiss 99, 9; Philo, Mos. 2, 40; Jos., Ant. 10, 8; 158; Just., D. 102, 4) Ac 2:6 v.l., 11; language λαλεῖν ἑτέραις γλώσσαις Ac 2:4. On this s. ἕτερος 2 end.; B-D-F §480, 3.
    of language viewed in terms of pers. using it, language, tongue: πᾶσα γ. every language=every person, regardless of the language that pers. speaks Ro 14:11; Phil 2:11 (Is 45:23; cp. POxy 1381, 198: Ἑλληνὶς δὲ πᾶσα γλῶσσα τὴν σὴν λαλήσει ἱστορίαν καὶ πᾶς Ἕλλην ἀνὴρ τὸν τοῦ Φθᾶ σεβήσεται Ἰμούθην; PGM 12, 188) IMg 10:3. As a distinctive feature of nations γ. can be used as a synonym of φυλή, λαός, ἔθνος (Is 66:18; Da 3:4, 7 al.; Jdth 3:8; AscIs 3:18) Rv 5:9; 7:9; 10:11; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:15; 2 Cl 17:4 (Is 66:18).
    an utterance outside the normal patterns of intelligible speech and therefore requiring special interpretation, ecstatic language, ecstatic speech, tongue, γλῶσσαι, γένη γλωσσῶν, (ἐν) γλώσσῃ/-αις λαλεῖν (λαλούντων διὰ τοῦ πνεύματος γλώσσαις Iren. 5, 6, 1 [Harv. II 334, 3]) 1 Cor 14:1–27, 39; 12:10, 28, 30; 13:1, 8; Ac 10:46; 19:6. Always without the article (in 1 Cor 14:22 αἱ is anaphoric; vs. 9 belongs under mng. 1a). There is no doubt about the thing referred to, namely the strange speech of persons in religious ecstasy. The phenomenon, as found in Hellenistic religion, is described esp. by ERohde (Psyche3 1903, Eng. tr. 1925, 289–93) and Reitzenstein; cp. Celsus 7, 8; 9. The origin of the term is less clear. Two explanations are prominent today. The one (Bleek, Heinrici et al.) holds that γλῶσσα here means antiquated, foreign, unintelligible, mysterious utterances (Diod S 4, 66, 7 κατὰ γλῶτταν=according to an old expression). The other (Rtzst., Bousset et al.) sees in glossolalia a speaking in marvelous, celestial languages. On ἑρμηνεία γλωσσῶν 1 Cor 12:10 (cp. 14:26) s. ἑρμηνεία.—γλώσσαις καιναῖς λαλεῖν Mk 16:17.—On ‘speaking in tongues’ s. HGunkel, Die Wirkungen d. hl. Geistes2 1899; HWeinel, D. Wirkungen d. Geistes u. d. Geister im nachap. Zeitalter 1899; ELombard, De la Glossolalie chez les premiers chrétiens 1910; EMosiman, Das Zungenreden geschichtl. u. psychol. unters. 1911. WReinhard, D. Wirken d. hl. Geistes 1918, 120ff; KLSchmidt, Die Pfingsterzählung u. d. Pfingstereignis 1919 (against him PSchmiedel, PM 24, 1920, 73–86); HGüntert, Von der Sprache der Götter u. Geister 1921, 23ff; AMackie, The Gift of Tongues 1922; HRust, D. Zungenreden 1924; FBüchsel, D. Geist Gottes im NT 1926, 242ff; 321ff; GCutten, Speaking with Tongues 1927; IMartin, 3rd, Glossolalia in the Apostolic Church: JBL 63, ’44, 123–30; JDavies, Pentecost and Glossolalia: JTS n.s. 3, ’52, 228–31; FBeare, JBL 83, ’64, 229–46; SCurrie, Int 19, ’65, 274–94; RHarrisville, CBQ 38, ’76, 35–48; RAC XI 225–46; EDNT I 251–55.—B. 230; 1260. Frisk. DELG s.v. γλῶχες. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > γλῶσσα

  • 13 злые языки

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > злые языки

  • 14 злой

    1) wicked, evil;
    malicious, spiteful, mean злой умысел со злым умыслом
    2) (на кого-л.) angry( with, at), cross( with)
    3) разг. fierce;
    4) mordant, biting, acerbic

    1. cruel, wicked, vicious;
    (о людях тж.) ill-natured;
    ~ человек ill-natured/vicious person;

    2. (выражающий злобу) spiteful, malicious;
    злые глаза malicious eyes;
    злая улыбка sarcastic/nasty smile;
    у него ~ вид he looks cross;

    3. тк. кратк. ф. в знач. сказ. cross, angry, bad-tempered;
    он зол на вас he`s cross with you;
    как вы сегодня злы! how bitter/nasty you are today!;

    4. (вызванный злобой) spiteful, malicious;
    ~ умысел malicious intention;
    злая шутка mean trick;
    злая воля evil intent;
    питать злое чувство к кому-л. harbour ill feelings against smb. ;

    5. (свирепый - о животных) savage, fierce;

    6. (приносящий беду) evil;
    злое время evil days pl. ;
    time of evil;
    злая судьба cruel fate;

    7. (приносящий боль) painful, agonizing;
    ~ недуг cruel sickness;

    8. разг. (едкий, острый) hot;
    перен. (язвительный) biting, savage;
    злая горчица hot/strong mustard;
    злая ирония savage irony;
    злая насмешка cruel jest;
    злая сатира biting satire;
    ~ язык wicked tongue;
    злые языки evil tongues;
    ~ гений evil genious.

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > злой

  • 15 boos

    [kwaad] angrywoedend furious, nijdig cross
    [bars] angry nasty, hostile, minder erg mean
    [kwaadwillig] evil malicious, wicked
    [zedelijk verdorven] evil foul, vile
    [kwaadaardig] evil bad, informeel nasty, vicious hond
    [onstuimig] bad rough
    [verderfelijk] evil, wicked, corrupt, depraved
    1   een boze blik op iemand werpen give someone an angry look
         in een boze bui in a fit of anger
         boos kijken (naar iemand) scowl (at someone)
         iemand boos maken make someone angry
         je moet niet boos worden don't be angry
         zich boos maken om iets get angry about something
         hij is boos op zichzelf he's angry at himself
         boos worden op iemand get angry at someone
    2   hij liep met een boze kop de deur uit he walked out in a huff
    3   met boze opzet with malicious intent
         het was geen boze opzet there was no harm intended
         boze tongen evil tongues
    4   de boze geesten evil spirits
    5   de boze wolf the big bad wolf
    7   de boze gevolgen the evil consequences

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > boos

  • 16 język

    m dim. 1. pieszcz. (jeż) little hedgehog 2. pot. (fryzura) crew cut
    - obcięli go na jeżyka they gave him a crew cut
    * * *
    - ka; -ki; instr sg - kiem; m; od jeż
    ( fryzura) crew-cut
    * * *
    Gen. -a
    1. ( w jamie ustnej) tongue; wino rozwiązało mu język wine (has) loosened his tongue; dostać się na języki become the talk of the town/village; język ją świerzbi she's bursting to say it; łamać sobie język na czymś twist one's tongue around sth; mieć coś na końcu języka have sth on the tip of one's tongue; mieć długi język not be able to keep a secret; mieć ostry język have a sharp tongue; mówić, co ślina na język przyniesie blabber; pociągnąć kogoś za język tap sb for information; pokazać komuś język stick l. put one's tongue out at sb; trzymaj język za zębami! hold your tongue!; ugryźć się w język dosł. l. przen. bite one's tongue; zapomnieć języka w gębie lose one's tongue; co, zapomniałeś języka w gębie? lost your tongue, eh?; cat got your tongue?; złe języki (= plotkarze, potwarcy) evil tongues.
    2. language; lit. tongue; (= mowa) speech; język ojczysty native language l. tongue; mother tongue; język obcy foreign language l. tongue; język angielski English, the English language; język mówiony spoken language, speech; język pisany written language; język literacki/potoczny literary/colloquial language; języki indoeuropejskie the Indoeuropean languages; język programowania komp. programming language; kaleczyć język francuski speak broken French; nauczanie języków obcych edukacja foreign language teaching, FLT; władać dobrze językiem niemieckim have a good command of the German language; znajdować z kimś wspólny język find a common interest with sb.
    3. (= sposób mówienia) language; rzad. parlance; (= słownictwo) vocabulary.
    4. (= coś w kształcie języka) ( w bucie) tongue; język spustowy wojsk. trigger; język rumowiskowy geol. scree, talus; języki płomieni tongues of fire.
    5. arch. (= jeniec informator) prisoner ( who can be interrogated); zasięgnąć języka ask around.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > język

  • 17 tunge

    * * *
    I. (en -r)
    (også fig) tongue;
    ( på vægt) pointer, index;
    (broderi etc) scallop;
    (fig) I could have bitten my tongue off;
    [ en giftig (, glat) tunge] a venomous (, glib) tongue;
    [ onde tunger påstår at] evil tongues maintain that;
    (dvs afgjorde sagen) that tipped (el. turned) the balance (el.
    [ det lille parti er tungen på vægtskålen] the small party holds the balance of power;
    [ med præp:]
    [ tale i tunger] speak in tongues;
    ( om hund) with its tongue hanging (el. lolling) out of its mouth;
    (fig) run like mad (el. like fury);
    [ det lå mig lige på tungen] I had it on the tip of my tongue;
    [ han har let ved at få sådanne ord på tungen] he is quick to use such words;
    [ det smelter på tungen] it melts in one's mouth;
    (se også bide (på), I. gled, mund, II. række, smække, tand).
    II. (en -r)
    ( fisk) sole.
    III. vb:
    [ tunge ud] scallop.

    Danish-English dictionary > tunge

  • 18 З-39

    HE ЗАКАЖЕШЬ KOMУ obsoles, substand VP this form ( gener. 2nd pers sing) only usu. used with the infin of another verb) you cannot forbid s.o. to do sth.: you can't stop (prevent) s.o. (from doing sth.) there is no law against (doing) sth.
    (Гурмыжская:) Хоть я и выше подозрений, но, если б нашлись злые языки, вы можете объяснить, в чём дело. (Ми-лонов:)...Кто же смеет... (Бодаев:) Ну, отчего же не сметь? Никому не закажешь (Островский 7). (G.:) I am above suspicion, as you know. But if you chance to hear evil gossip, you will be able to explain what's going on. (M.:)...Who on earth would dare... (B.:) Well, why on earth shouldn't a person dare? You can't stop a person, can you? (7b). (G.:) Everyone knows I am above suspicion, but sometimes evil tongues will wag, so now you can explain the truth. (M.:)...Who could possibly dare-? (B.:) Of course they'll dare, there's no law against it (7c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > З-39

  • 19 не закажешь

    НЕ ЗАКАЖЕШЬ кому obsoles, substand
    [VP; this form (gener. 2nd pers sing) only; usu. used with the infin of another verb]
    you cannot forbid s.o. to do sth.:
    - you can't stop < prevent> s.o. (from doing sth.);
    - there is no law against (doing) sth.
         ♦ [Гурмыжская:] Хоть я и выше подозрений, но, если б нашлись злые языки, вы можете объяснить, в чём дело. [Милонов:]...Кто же смеет... [Бодаев:] Ну, отчего же не сметь? Никому не закажешь (Островский 7). [G.:] I am above suspicion, as you know. But if you chance to hear evil gossip, you will be able to explain what's going on. [M.:]... Who on earth would dare... [B.:] Well, why on earth shouldn't a person dare? You can't stop a person, can you? (7b). [G.:] Everyone knows I am above suspicion, but sometimes evil tongues will wag, so now you can explain the truth. [M.:]... Who could possibly dare-? [B.:] Of course they'll dare, there's no law against it (7c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не закажешь

  • 20 heimis-kviðr

    m. = heimiliskviðr, defined in N. G. L. ii. 505 sqq.: a home-verdict, report made by one’s mates and fellows; in the saying, hættr er h. nema sér góðan geti, Sdm. 25; eigi skal heimiskvið annan at henda eðr ílltyngdir, no notice is to be taken of house-talk or evil tongues, Grág. i. 361.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > heimis-kviðr

См. также в других словарях:

  • List of creatures in the Resident Evil series — The following is a list of recurring fictional creatures that have appeared in the Resident Evil video game series. For creatures in Resident Evil 4 , see List of Resident Evil 4 creatures . Resident Evil Zombie The zombies featured in the… …   Wikipedia

  • The Mind of Evil — 056 – The Mind of Evil Doctor Who serial The Doctor and Jo find themselves locked in a prison cell Cast …   Wikipedia

  • Hierarchy of the Early Church — • The word hierarchy is used here to denote the three grades of bishop, priest, and deacon (ministri) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Hierarchy of the Early Church     Hierarchy of the Early Church …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Roast Fish Collie Weed & Corn Bread — Roast Fish Collie Weed Corn Bread Roast Fish Collie Weed Corn Bread Album par Lee Scratch Perry The Upsetters Sortie 1978 (Upsetter) 1992 (VP Records) Enregistrement 1978 Black Ark Durée …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Roast Fish Collie Weed & Corn Bread — Album par Lee Scratch Perry The Upsetters Sortie 1978 (Upsetter) 1992 (VP Records) Enregistrement 1978 Black Ark Durée 37:54 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Grimlock (Dungeons & Dragons) — Nofootnotes|date=February 2008 Infobox D D creature name=Grimlock alignment= type=Monstrous humanoid subtype= source= first= mythical= based= wizards image URL=http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35 gallery/MM35 PG141.jpg OGL stats URL=http://www …   Wikipedia

  • Hjaðningavíg — (the battle of the Heodenings [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0038 7134(196401)39%3A1%3C35%3AAAVOTH%3E2.0.CO%3B2 D Malone, Kemp. An Anglo Latin Version of the Hjadningavig . Speculum , Vol. 39, No. 1 (Jan., 1964), pp. 35 44.] ] ), the legend of …   Wikipedia

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  • Lee ''Scratch'' Perry — Rainford Hugh Perry Lee Scratch Perry Alias Lee Scratch Perry, Pipecock Jaxxon, The Upsetter Naissance …   Wikipédia en Français

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